Adjectives To Describe A Person – 200+ Positive Adjectives
Looking for the best list of adjectives to describe a person? Here are 200 different adjectives to describe a person.
Let’s chat about adjectives to describe a person.
I’m so excited to present this list to you today because it can be used in so many different ways!
Have you ever stopped to think about what your children’s top 10 qualities could be?
Let’s just say you were asked to describe your children or others in more ways than just “great” which exact adjectives would you pick?
Even better how would your kids describe themselves in 10 adjectives?
I have compiled a list of 200 adjectives to describe a person or child.
If you like you can even peruse the list to compile your own personal 10 word succinct description.
For example if forced to describe myself in 10 words I would pick:
Hopeful &
So try it out now. Ask yourself:
How would you describe yourself in 10 words?
And how does your list differ from how your kids would describe themselves?
If you are brave enough, ask your kids to describe YOU in 10 words (best of luck with that – some thick-skin may be required!)
Without further ado, here is a list of 200 adjectives to describe a person or child:
Letter A – Adjectives to describe a person:
1 Adaptable
2 Adventurous
3 Affectionate
4 Agreeable
5 Amazing
6 Amusing
7 Ambitious
8 Appreciated
9 Authentic
10 Aware
11 Awesome
Letter B
12 Balanced
13 Beautiful
14 Blessed
15 Blissful
16 Boisterous
17 Brave
18 Bright
19 Brilliant
Letter C – Adjectives to describe a person:
20 Calm
21 Capable
22 Charming
23 Cheerful
24 Clever
25 Compassionate
26 Confident
27 Conscientious
28 Considerate
29 Cool
30 Cooperative
31 Courageous
32 Courteous
33 Creative
34 Curious
Letter D
35 Daring
36 Decisive
37 Deep
38 Delightful
39 Determined
40 Devoted
41 Diligent
42 Diplomatic
43 Dutiful
44 Dynamic
Letter E – Adjectives to describe a person:
45 Eager
46 Earnest
47 Easy-going
48 Efficient
49 Empowered
50 Energetic
51 Enthusiastic
52 Even-tempered
53 Excitable
54 Experienced
55 Exuberant
Letter F
56 Fabulous
57 Fearless
58 Flexible
59 Focused
60 Free-spirited
61 Friendly
62 Fun-loving
63 Funny
Letter G – Adjectives to describe a person:
64 Generous
65 Genuine
66 Gentle
67 Giving
68 Great
69 Gregarious
70 Grounded
Letter H
71 Happy
72 Hard-working
73 Helpful
74 High-spirited
75 Hopeful
76 Humorous
Letter I – Adjectives to describe a person:
77 Imaginative
78 Impressive
79 Important
80 Innovative
81 Involved
82 Inspiring
83 Intelligent
84 Interesting
85 Inventive
86 Irresistible
Letter J & K – Adjectives to describe a person:
87 Jovial
88 Joyful
89 Joyous
90 Just
91 Keen
92 Kind
93 Kooky
94 Knowledgeable
Letter L – Adjectives to describe a person:
95 Laid-back
96 Level-Headed
97 Lively
98 Logical
99 Lovable
100 Lovely
101 Loyal
Letter M – Adjectives to describe a person:
102 Magical
103 Magnificent
104 Marvelous
105 Mature
106 Methodical
107 Mindful
108 Modest
109 Motivated
110 Musical
Letter N & O – Adjectives to describe a person:
111 Natural
112 Nice
113 Non-judgmental
114 Obliging
115 Observant
116 Openhearted
117 Optimistic
118 Orderly
119 Organised
120 Outgoing
121 Outspoken
122 Outstanding
Letter P & Q – Adjectives to describe a person:
123 Passionate
124 Peaceful
125 Persistent
126 Playful
127 Pleasant
128 Polite
129 Popular
130 Positive
131 Powerful
132 Practical
133 Precious
134 Proactive
135 Proficient
136 Proud
137 Punctual
138 Quick-witted
Letter R – Adjectives to describe a person:
139 Radiant
140 Realistic
141 Reassuring
142 Rational
143 Reliable
144 Resourceful
145 Respectful
146 Responsible
147 Resilient
Letter S – Adjectives to describe a person:
148 Sassy
149 Self-Assured
150 Self-accepting
151 Self-disciplined
152 Self-loving
153 Sensational
154 Sensitive
155 Sensible
156 Sentimental
157 Serene
158 Sincere
159 Sharp
160 Smart
161 Sophisticated
162 Soulful
163 Spirited
164 Strong
165 Straight-forward
166 Successful
167 Sweet
168 Sympathetic
Letter T – Adjectives to describe a person:
169 Tactful
170 Talented
171 Thankful
172 Thrilled
173 Tidy
174 Thoughtful
175 Tolerant
176 Tranquil
Letter U & V
177 Unaffected
178 Unassuming
179 Understanding
180 Unique
181 Uplifted
182 Valuable
183 Versatile
184 Vibrant
185 Vigilant
186 Vivacious
Letter W
187 Warm
188 Warmhearted
189 Watchful
190 Well-behaved
191 Well-intentioned
192 Well-respected
193 Welcoming
194 Wise
195 Willing
196 Witty
197 Wonderful
198 Worthy
Letter Y & Z
199 Young-at-heart
200 Zealous
Hope you have fun with this list of positive adjectives that can be used to uplift the heart of any individual who needs to hear these positive words.
Much love,
Frances Vidakovic xx
Before You Go…
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With a degree in psychology, Frances Vidakovic is a certified life coach, course creator and host of the Inspiring Life Podcast. Her superpower is transforming dreamers into doers, with simple, kick-up-the-butt strategies.